What's In Your Mouth?
Psalm 71:8"My mouth is filled with your praise, and with your glory all the day."
I read this the other day and immediately asked myself, "What's in my mouth throughout the day? Is my speech continually marked by a constant praise of who God is and what He's done for me?"
The obvious answer was of course, "No."
Instead my speech is frequently marked by complaining, criticizing, and cursing. All too often I speak negative and cutting words. I speak words of doubt, questioning the goodness of God.
Think about your own speech. Think about what fills your mouth when you pray. Think about what fills your mouth when you speak to your spouse. Think about what fills your mouth when you speak to your kids. Think about what fills your mouth when you speak with coworkers, friends, and neighbors. Can you say, "My mouth is filled with your praise, and with your glory all the day"?
Because none of us can truly say this without being liars, we are faced with a choice: We can try and force more God-honoring speech in our lives, or we can fall on the grace of God, poured out in the person and work of Jesus, and push into the Spirit's power and find help.
I want my speech to honor God. I want my speech to build up those around me. I want my mouth to be filled with Christ's praise.
So what fills your mouth?