3 Connection Essentials (Part 1)

There is no shortage of reasons people leave one church to attend another.

  • “My last church wasn’t Biblically faithful.”
  • “My last church didn’t offer the programs I wanted for my kids.”
  • “My last church had unqualified people in leadership.”
  • “My last church had cutting edge worship strait out of the 1500s.”
  • “My last church was amazing, but my job moved me away.”

Obviously, some of the reasons a person leaves one church to attend another are good while others are selfish, consumer-driven, and disobedient. Sometimes people leave churches because of their own sin and often times people leave because of the unrepentant sin dwelling within the leadership of the church itself.

Yet, of all the reasons I have heard over the last twelve years of ministry, one stands out as the most painful.

“I really loved the church, I just couldn’t get connected.”

This is TERRIBLE! No one should ever have to leave a church because it was simply impossible to get connected. Yet, in far too many cases this vital system has not been sufficiently thought through, or has been ignored altogether. If this is the case do not miss what is really at stake. What we sacrifice when we ignore a means by which to help new people get connected to the life of our churches is discipleship.

Big Idea | You can’t disciple those you don’t connect

Many pastors assume people will get connected if they want to. The problem is, assumption is the enemy of engagement. It is not the responsibility of a new person to provide the mechanism by which they get connected. This is the churches responsibility.

You cannot disciple those you do not connect, so how can we carefully provide clear next steps for new people and what are the essential elements that comprise an effective connection process?  I believe there are three - a destination, a vehicle, and a mechanic. The goal for this series is to address them one by one.

You can’t disciple those you don’t connect, so my prayer is that we would all give the proper attention to this foundational element of church leadership.


Check back tomorrow for the first connection essential: A Destination.



3 Connection Essentials (Part 2)


3 Keys to Consistent Prayer